Sunday, 1 December 2019

Days 8 to 9 following my second side surgery for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Firstly, here are some of my thoughts from day 8 - mainly about my struggle to mash some avacado and butter some toast (OK the butter was hard) - caused a lot of pain

I was still struggling to breathe a lot yesterday, but that has become a lot of easier today, but only if I remain at home. I went for a walk locally, not far at all with a cheesecake craving and could find nothing I really wanted at either Tescos or  Sainburys. Obviously everyone else has the same idea. Bought some of the pots puddings that had cheesecake and lemon, but I wanted an all white one with biscuit base. Nevermind.  I will try again tomorrow. As it is my birthday tomorrow I feel I deserve a treat!

I did manage to have a little go on my recorder, and it wasn't bad at all just for a first attempt. I might try again today.

I was a bit naughty and this morning decided to remove my remaining steristrips in the bath so that I could see how the wound looks - I knew the skin had closed enough to risk this, but obviously it is still very fragile at this stage underneath, so I need to be careful with any carrying.

The wound is looking very neat already at day 9 - there is still some bruising, and I am using lots of Arnica and started to use Bio Scar Oil today, as both products did a very good job of the first side scar. I also did some Bowen work on myself to faciliate the breathing difficulty and general pain and heaviness. Today is the first day I feel less emotionally fragile. 

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