Thursday, 3 October 2019

Three Weeks Post Operative for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Surgery

Firstly, this is video footage of me at 2.5 weeks post-op

I can't believe I am now 3 weeks post-op, the time seems to have flown. It has been a bit of a trying week with the chest pain now being the worst pain, there is not much pain in the neck and around the scar, and no pain at all down the arm, which is wonderful. My neck still feels a bit tight, and this was verified by playing the recorder yesterday, but I managed this despite the chest pain and it seemed my left hand was warmer and I found playing the lowest few notes  much easier than prior to surgery. I also experienced  no repercussions today from playing for much too long really for a second go on the recorder. Here is my scar at 3 weeks post-op:

Two nights ago I ended up in A&E on the back of a few days of having diarrhoea for a few days. Given my complex medical history, including a colon resection NHS111 decided I needed to get myself to A&E in case I had overflow diarrhoea and a massively blocked colon. As it happened A&E was very quiet on the back of a filthy day, with non-stop rain. My bloods were normal, in fact the doctor said he hadn't seen anything quite like it before, he said they were, 'outstanding'. I had several medications including one for my chest pain which the next day turned out to be for my stomach, but had been given  IV in A&E and seemed to help with my chest pain. The next day I got an alternative drug that protects the stomach lining and was told to take it to see if it helps, but sadly it hasn't. Whilst I was in A&E I also had a chest x-ray and was able to see where my first rib had been removed on the left, which as fascinating. In fact the whole ribcage looks like a cathedral vault to me. It is really a thing of great beauty. I also had an abdominal x-ray which showed my colon was empty, although my small bowel had food in it, but definitely no overloaded colon which was very good news. I was then discharged.

I have slept very well this week and apart from the chest pain, I feel that I am going well. I rung Wolverhampton, and my next or review outpatient appointment will take place on Wednesday 6th November, which will then make me at least 7 weeks post-op, and I hope a decision can be made about my 2nd operation, which I want to be as soon as possible after that date, pending the chest pain being gone.

I have just had physio and my physio did more work on my chest and then gave me my first strengthening exercise to do involving holding a weight of 1kg or a water bottle and doing rotator cuff curls. I need to do ten reps 3 x a day, but do not need to use my full range of movement on the descent until my strength builds - I have the range of movement for this, but not the strength yet, but I will. This is the first exercise that will start to strengthen my arms for overhead movements - e.g. hairwashing. I am only to do this on the left side [the operated side] as it will be a waste of time yet on the right whilst I haven't yet had surgery.

I think that by my next appointment the chest sensation will be improved. I am already starting to use less oramorph and back to my usual drug regime, whilst continuing to do gentle moves myself on the chest area.

Being able to play the recorder again without repercussions was a real gift, so I will continue with that, but not go overboard as I don't want to do too much too fast too soon. I will continue with the breathing exercises.

Video footage of me at 3 weeks post-op:

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