Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Six Weeks Post-Op - Flare up due to overdoing things.

Last Friday (when I was five weeks post-op), I decided to go and stay with my mum for the weekend, who lives near  Oxford (I live in London). This involved carrying an overnight bag, and some travelling on the tube, then a coach before my mum met me at the bus stop and drove me to her house. Most of the time I was not carrying the bag, and was as careful as possible to keep my packing light- something that is not one of my stronger skill-bases. I seem to like to bring everything except the kitchen sink, as the expression goes. But this time I couldn't because of my recent TOS surgery. I bought all my different painkillers except for Oramorph. In fact I hoped I wouldn't need many of the other painkillers because I was looking forward to having a few glasses of wine. Not getting drunk, just one or two glasses with meals. (This makes it sound like we are alcoholics). I was looking forward to seeing my mum, as I had not seen her since just before my last surgery as my surgery took place a long way from either London or Oxford, it being in Wolverhampton. In case you are wondering I take several different painkillers as I have multiple conditions including hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. I also have functional gut problems and need medication for that also. Basically,  I rattle, although once my TOS is completely healed, my second TOS operation is done and my back is sorted I might finally be able to reduce some of these drugs. If Brexit goes ahead I may well be forced to, if supply issues are a problem, but that is not for here!

Anyway, Friday night I enjoyed about 1.5 glasses of wine with a roast chicken and my mum's good company and we had a nice evening and I went to bed, but did not sleep really well due to cramp on my "numb" lower left leg.

Saturday we had some wine whilst watching the dreaded Brexit debate and vote and then we went for a walk. For the last 18 months I haven't been able to walk as far because my left leg is numb at the L5 disc dermatone, so the front and side of my lower leg is numb due to the L5 disc compressing on the nerve at that level - orginally I had severe sciatica and had a caudal epidural to numb the pain, only the result was permanent numbness, but it is still preferable to the pain. I was going to have surgery at the beginning of 2019, but the disc prolapse had miraculously shrunk. However, months  of physio and exercises have not improved things and my back hurts a great deal. MS needs to be ruled out by a Neurologist, otherwise there is talk of surgery again, possibly spinal fusion, or maybe removal of that disc. My mum and I were half-way on our walking route and I needed to go home. I was in a lot of pain, plus swinging my arm causes a lot of pain still for long periods of time. I can wear a sling at home, but it tends to put me off balance in walking because of my numb lower limb.

We got home, and we had supper a bit later and a glass of wine. By now I had missed several different doses of medication because of the pleasure of having some wine, but I was starting to realise that the next day I probably wouldn't be able to drink as it still seemed I needed the painkillers more.

Later that evening after watching 'Strictly' I had a bath, a very hot bath, and then watched Casualty before taking my evening/night meds and went to bed. I couldn't sleep. I was wracked with pain all over my body. This was more than just TOS pain. At 1.30am I remember trying to do some Bowen work on myself - I used to be a Bowen practitioner until I retired in 2017. This seemed to help, and eventually sleep came.

I was due to stay at my mum's until Monday morning, but decided to go home on Sunday afternoon because of pain and because I stupidly hadn't packed my Oramorph. There was no more wine, which was a shame. Just tablets. My mum gave me some bulbs to take back for my garden and some bolognaise sauce (frozen), as I am a terrible cook. I then returned home to London - progress slowed by a March at Marble Arch where I got out and took the tube home.

The rest of Sunday was uneventful. I did my physio exercises both weights and the new exercises I had acquired last week (week 5) for serrator anterior, and I played the recorder actually for about an hour - so had done my 'breathing exercise' and then I went to bed and slept moderately well.

On Monday morning I saw my therapist, which involved going into town. After that, I had a very quiet afternoon, and fell asleep for about an hour after supper I was so tired. I then had a bath and went to bed 'properly' watching a DVD, only I never ever fell asleep. I often take naps, so it wasn't that. I saw every single hour pass by. Had a midnight feast of cheese and almonds. I fell asleep at gone 7am and then had to get up for my carer - it was Tuesday morning. I felt grumpy and my chest was in terrible pain when I actually got up. We went shopping after washing my hair (which my carer does for me - the hair and the shopping). My carer then left and I had a few admin tasks which were not too difficult, but needed doing today - mainly sorting out appointments - (of which, more later).

I was, for the first time having radiating arm pain again and was concerned enough to speak to Ali - Rob's secretary about what was going on and he very kindly replied later in the day. The main gist of his email was that unless I thought it was cardiac, which I didn't - he said, " It does sound as though you’ve strained yourself and probably irritated the joints where your ribs attach to your sternum. As we’ve previously discussed I must also mention to you that if there is any doubt whatsoever as to the possibility of a cardiac cause you must discuss this with your GP.

Assuming a musculoskeletal strain, then you are right in thinking it’s rest, analgesia and heat until it settles down. I do not suspect you’ve done your surgery any harm and have no concerns with regard to some symptoms in the little finger." I messaged my own physio too - (my physio has regular contact with Rob). Rob asked me to let me know how I get on in a few days time.

The motto of this story is that you may think you are quite fine, until you are taken away from home surroundings and have additional stressors (things to carry) and that you still need ALL your medication - even if it includes orarmorph, which mine does. I then overdid it in walking too far. I didn't sleep enough or take any naps, and whilst wine is very nice - I should have just chosen to have it the once on Friday and return to my medications the following day. Rob also mentioned I could have used a wheelie suitcase - although this seemed too much just for the weekend. 

So I have had a little flare up. Last night I slept like a dog and my chest pain is much better again today, so I shall resume my exercises, but I am still in some pain, so again, will be taking my usual medications. I was fooled or lulled into a false sense of security as that was the first time I had gone so far away from home. I need to remember I am still in recovery, but fortunately have done no lasting damage. I did manage to enjoy myself some of the time, but it will probably take me the rest of this week to recover completely - particularly sleep. My other conditions cause fatigue, but important to have a quiet week now.

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