At this stage coughing is finally becoming less painful, and at the end of day 6 I had some sensation in the previous numb sternum area - this seems to be fading in and out of pain/numbness. I am looking very well indeed, but tired. I slept like a log both nights since I returned home. I am managing my pain well but obviously not on as much oramorph as I was - but this was not well communicated from the hospital to my GP, so now as it turns out I am actually seeing a GP tomorrow, although they could easily of agreed a compromise in raising my usual at home dose just for another 7 days. I am doing well, and in nowhere near the pain I had expected to be in.
I have just managed to go and have my eyes tested. I am being very careful carrying much and have a bun bag as there is no way I can use a rucksack at the moment. I am really impressed with how I am coping. I have bought some scar oil and I have been using Arnica, the homeopathic medication for bruising and all of this I think is helping my recovery. I am also doing some small Bowen Technique moves on and around the scar work. I am going to be resuming physiotherapy from next week. I haven't got half the fear about having the second side done when it comes to it. I already think I am much better and in less neural pain especially between my elbow and my hand than I was pre-surgery. I tried playing my recorder last night but it is still a bit sore for that just yet. Below is me at one week post op.
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