Today I went to see an ENT consultant. I had a list for all three aspects of Ear Nose and Throat, but my GP had only mentioned my voice problems, although the ENT consultant, a gruff-manored man who confirmed my ears were full of wax and would need laser treatment, but that I'd need to be referred back to him for that specifically, and that I'd need to use olive oil to soften the wax in advance. My nose showed as 'broken' on an MRI and he used the 'blocked' nasal cavity to insert the tube to examine my throat after first spraying a numbing agent up my nose, which tasted incredibly bitter. My throat showed no vocal cord abnormalities, but apparently there was acid reflux, which surprised me as I don't eat late, and don't have indigestion or heart-burn. The specialist said I would need an examination of my oesophogus and upper GI tract to explore that further. He also said that I would need specialist speech therapy. He didn't offer any other help or advice. We discussed that all of the throat area is full of connective tissue and because of my EDS might be impacting on my voice. No great surprises there. I am really saddened because my voice used to be as clear as as bell. It is horrible sounding like I have laryngitis all the time. He asked if I talked a lot. I said that I didn't. No real answers. I can't see how speech therapy will help with a very hoarse voice, when I am not talking a lot, but I suppose I will have to see and try it.
On Monday, my respiratory physiotherapist gave up on me and said that she could offer no more help with the fact I can't fully blow into my spirometer or move the blue ball, which is the heaviest. I feel that doors are closing on me. I have a respiratory consultant appointment on 21-4-22, and then the TOS expert physio in Bristol on 5-5-22 and my TOS consultant on 25-5-22. I don't seem to be getting a lot of joy from anywhere.
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