Saturday, 25 January 2020

Update on my situation with Stero-costro-condritis and post Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

When I saw my physio last week he had taped my shoulders and rhomboids to activate them and to try and deactive my chest muscles. Unfortunately I was allergic to the tape, which had relieved my symptoms by about 25%, so it had to be removed.

I was supposed to hear from Mr Garnham, my surgeon, but he didn't call me all week, so I hope to hear from him next week.

On Tuesday 21st January I saw my wonderful pain doctor - Dr Peat at King's. She requested that I must reduce my oramorph as the dose was too high for home, so I have now cut to 7.5mls every 6 hours - so that is 30mls in 24 hours. In between those doses I take dihydrocodeine and that is providing me enough pain cover. Dr Peat couldn't understand my physiotherapist's request for a dexa scan (neither could my GP who I saw the day before) so Dr Peat is now referring me for an MRI scan instead - but I bet by the time I have that, things will have moved on (hopefully in a more positive direction) again. Dr Peat also requested that I have a kidney function test, as the last one in 2015 showed 87% function. Unfortunately the news was not ideal as my kidney function has now dropped to 77%. Dr Peat has said that I must max out Naproxen at 750mg per day and drink lots of water with it to help my kidneys. I need a re-test in a week's time. She made no other changes to my medications at this time because she will likely wait for the MRI result.

On another note, my facet joint injection due on 13th February was cancelled. This is due to be rescheduled. I hope it isn't too long a wait for that.

I had good news from social services who have agreed to my having a hospital bed at home. The only snag is that it won't have side supports,and I have to order those myself, which is a nuisance.  I don't mind the cost too much, but it would be easier if they could order the bed with them and invoice me separately. But no!

Lastly, I am about to get a new cat - he is arriving in just under an hour. I can't wait to meet him He will be fostered by me initally to ensure we like each other, but that should be a formality before I then hopefully adopt him. I think this will give an injection of positivity and love.

In the meantime I also saw my physiotherapist yesterday who has given me an exercise for my rhomboids using a yellow theraband. He also did some manual work on me. I was quite sore after it, but think I can manage the exercise, just about.

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