Thursday, 6 June 2019

Taking part in research into Neuropathic pain and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome [NTOS]

Once I had received my confirmed diagnosis of Neurological Thoracic Outlet Syndrome -NTOS, I was invited to take part in some research at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford into neuropathic pain including  NTOS. I have alway been interested in helping out with medical research where and when I can, so I was more than happy to help. As an aside I have been involved into research for Type 1 [insulin dependent] Diabetes since 1986 when my sister was diagnosed. It just so happened that the nurse leading this ongoing longitudinal study into diabetes was also based at the John Radcliffe hospital, so I arranged to meet with her so she could take blood at the same time as I was helping out with the other study. It all worked out very well as the nurse took blood for both studies at the same time resulting in the need for one blood test only :)

In advance of taking part in the neuropathic pain /NTOS study I had an initial discussion with the research Fellow, Annina Schmidt who explained what would happen on the afternoon of testing and to send me some questionnaires to complete in advance. She also requested as many letters and test results in connection with my NTOS diagnosis as possible, and these were kindly sent on by Rob Patterson from the Cherington Practice where I had recently attended for full TOS diagnosis [see earlier blog entry]. I then had to go through a form signing and giving my consent to take part in the test.

It had been an extremely long time since I had been to the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, which has quadrupled in size since I had last been there in the late 1990s [as I used to live in Oxfordshire]. I was very impressed with the panoramic view of Oxford from the upstairs of the West Wing where I met Annina who was lovely and so my afternoon of testing begun.

Annina begun by going through and getting me to sign two copies of consent forms and explained the overall plan for the afternoon. I went through a range of different physical tests - some were familar and had been performed on me before as part of my TOS diagnosis a few weeks earlier with Rob. Annina also commented on my very cold hands as Rob had done. There were some sensory tests conducted involving my little finger being strapped to a machine that would go either hot or cold.With my other hand I had to push a green button when I felt the cold as much as I could cope with or the heat. There were other sensory tests to the same finger and also to my forearm - the heat and cold test plus some 'hair-type' or hair looking points that were applied to my finger. I had my eyes shut and had to say whether or not I felt the point, and then whether it was sharp or blunt. This was also repeated to my forearm. None of it was too uncomfortable or painful. I also knew that I could stop at any point if anything did cause me pain or discomfort. There was also some similar testing to my leg - I think for comparison.

Another test I had involved having a skin biopsy. For this I was given a local anaesthetic injection to the bottom third of my little finger. Initially this stung a tiny bit but then my finger felt completely numb and all fat like a sausage. The skin biopsy is about half the size of the round of the end of a pencil. It bled a little, but this was all patched up with steristrips and a plaster, but was totally painless. I had to wear plasters on it for a few days, but as I write this almost a week later, the area is tiny and scabbing over, so I expect it to be totally gone in a few more days.

Finally, I had a blood test - this was conducted by the diabetic research nurse who took blood for her study as well as for Annina - but this was because  I was unsually doing another study at the same time! It didn't hurt, and the main thing I felt was glad that I could take part and help in important medical research for as it happened - two different projects.

Annina also does nerve conduction studies as part of her testing, but I was given excemption from these as I had been through them twice elsewhere and had a bad experience, but these would be fine for most people.

Although there was no payment for this study, travel expenses were reimbursed, and for me, it was the taking part in helping with medical research that was far more important than money. I was delighted to help in such important work. There is very little research into neuropathic pain - particularly in TOS, so anything that helps is important. If you feel able to take part in the neuropathic pain/TOS study then contact the researchers at the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences directly. The researcher I saw was Annina Schmid. Finally, I would like to add how lovely and reassuring Annina is. She totally put me at ease throughout the afternoon. The whole testing time was approx 3 hours.

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